Thursday 26 June 2014

What is Immunity?

We often heard about this word “Immunity”. Do you know what it is exactly? 

Immunity can be defined as: 
  • The State of being immune or invulnerable to a particular disease
  • Condition which permits one with natural or acquired resistance to disease
  • Exemption from any natural or usual liability
  • Exemption from compulsion, duty or service, jurisdiction, etc

Types of immunity:
Immunity in Medical: 

  1. Innate immunity:  This immunity is the natural resistance which can be present from birth. 
  2. Adaptive immunity: It can be subdivided into 2 types: naturally acquired immunity (developed by body when disease causing agents fights with body) and artificially acquired immunity (like acquired by vaccination). 

Immunity in Law: There can be 4 types of immunity in law as a general rule. 

  1. When a prosecutor, a judge or a jury promise not to prosecute for a crime in exchange for information or testimony in a criminal matter
  2. When a public official granted with immunity of protection from liability for their decisions 
  3. Governmental immunity, which protects government agencies from lawsuits 
  4. Foreign ambassadors got diplomatic immunity 

So here I tried to define immunity, hope you liked it while reading. Please share your thoughts in comment below.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Perú Caso Fujimori

La condena contra el ex presidente Alberto Fujimori marca un hito fundamental en la lucha contra la impunidad en Perú y demuestra que nadie está exento de rendir cuentas.

“En Perú se ha hecho justicia,” ha manifestado Javier Zúñiga, observador de Amnistía Internacional en el juicio. “Este es un día histórico. No todos los días se ve a un ex jefe de estado siendo sentenciado por violaciones a los derechos humanos como la tortura, el secuestro y la desaparición forzada de personas. Esperamos que este sea el comienzo de muchos procesos judiciales, tanto en América Latina como en el mundo.”

“Ahora es imperativo que todos los responsables de violaciones a los derechos humanos cometidas en Perú, incluyendo aquellas perpetradas antes del gobierno de Alberto Fujimori, enfrenten los tribunales de justicia,” asegura Javier Zúñiga. “La desaparición forzada, la tortura y la violación son crímenes que no están sujetos a prescripción cuando se cometen de manera generalizada, como ocurrió en el Perú.”

La declaración siguió a la sentencia de la Sala Penal de la Corte Suprema del Perú en la investigación de los casos Barrios Altos -donde 15 hombres, mujeres y niños fueron ejecutados extrajudicialmente en 1991-, La Cantuta -donde 9 estudiantes y un profesor universitario fueron secuestrados y posteriormente ejecutados en 1992 por integrantes del grupo Colina, una fuerza paramilitar del Ejército del Perú-, y Sótanos SIE -donde dos personas fueron secuestradas-.

La sentencia, adoptada por unanimidad de los tres miembros de la Sala, concluyó que el ex presidente Alberto Fujimori tuvo responsabilidad penal individual en los tres casos  ya que tuvo el mando militar efectivo de quienes cometieron materialmente los crímenes.

Friday 17 August 2012


Contra (魂斗羅 Kontora?), known as Gryzor in Europe and Oceania, is a 1987 run and gun action game developed and published by Konami originally released as a coin-operated arcade game on February 20, 1987. A home version was released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1988, along with ports for various computer formats, including the MSX2. The home versions were localized in the PAL region as Gryzor on the various computer formats and as Probotector on the NES, released long later. Several Contra sequels were produced following the original game.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

The Cantuta 19 years later

On July 18, 1992, a detachment of murderers, composed of Army intelligence officers, led by Santiago Martin Rivas and Protection of the dictatorship of Alberto Fujimori entered the Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle, La Cantuta (under military protection since May 1991), to kidnap, murder and disappearance of nine students and a teacher who were resting in campus housing.

Some of our relatives were missing until July 1993, when from the earth where they buried a third time, after burning, appeared to point to their murderers, refusing to be forgotten. Others remain missing to this day, even murderers and seek ways to escape justice but are unable to say where the hiding. The long history of coming and going of relatives to know the truth of the facts and the long-awaited justice has been difficult, full of misunderstandings, of stigmatization, abandonment by a state that, until now, decided to protect the murderers for not recognizing your own risk. We were able to stick together and spread our need for justice to other young people, other organizations who were able to beat assume arrogance, impunity, the death to uphold our right to justice.

On April 7, 2009, the Special Division of the Supreme Court headed by Dr. César San Martín Alberto Fujimori sentenced to 25 years prison for responsibility as a perpetrator in the commission of the crimes of murder and aggravated kidnapping, and constituting crimes against humanity, demonstrating the will to do justice to the victims of this violence goes for independence, respect and boldness of the judges to assume this responsibility. This statement should be regarded as a key document to settle accounts with the past and affirm the democratic space for truth and justice that Peru needed urgently. In early 2010, the Supreme Court upheld his sentence, thereby closing years of impunity.

Today, 19 years after this horrific crime, primarily responsible for Alberto Fujimori, for not only the privileges of a golden prison ordered built by his accomplice the APRA government, maintained the tax of all Peruvians, including family members, complete his days at home, enjoying his family, freedom without taking responsibility for the crimes for which he was sentenced and manipulating humanity we have always shown.

As Coordinator Impunity still stubborn in fighting any form of protection to the murderers, violators of human rights, our perseverance is also a contribution to building our democracy, different country with which we all dream of, with respect and equality and without impunity. We call on everyone to be part of this struggle, the country needs from our memory.

Coordinator Against Impunity - Peru